Expert 1-on-1 Tutoring

At TutorShark, our unwavering commitment lies in assisting students of all ages and backgrounds in achieving their academic aspirations. Our team of experienced tutors offers the invaluable advantage of personalized, one-on-one support in an online setting, ensuring that every student can thrive. We cover a wide range of subjects, including math, science, language, and test preparation, with the aim of not only enhancing academic performance but also nurturing a genuine passion for learning.

Our mission? Empowering students and helping them excel on their educational journeys.

1-on-1 Tutoring

We offer private tutoring assistance from elementary school students to adult learners. To book a tutor, text (647)-339-3722 or click the button below to get started!

Precisely Tailored to You

We recognize that every student has different needs, learning styles, and are on their own specific learning journey. So the TutorShark process starts with a careful consultation with first, and an even more careful selection of who would be the best tutor for those specific needs. Come have a chat with us, and we’ll work together to find if we’re the right fit for you.
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Swim with TutorShark to Success

Take a look at the procedure we’ll go through to make sure we can guarantee your student’s success.

Meet some of our Tutors!

Nicholas Kwong
Bachelors with Honours in English Literature
Jeremy Varghese
Bachelors with Honours in Physics

Navanith Niranjan
Bachelor of Applied Science in Mechanical Engineering

Performance and Development Coaching

We also offer private coaching for anyone in high school or university. Sometimes, a student is more than smart enough to excel at their level. But sometimes, those same students don’t have the adequate skills to stay disciplined, be accountable, and regulate their behaviour. In that case, tutoring isn’t the right fit but coaching is. We offer specialized individual coaching programs to help you develop those skills so that you can achieve the goals you’re aiming for. To book a coach, text (647)-339-3722 or click the button below to get started!
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